I know BigData technologies: Apache Spark, Hadoop, Hive, Impala, Hue. I write code in functional Spark and Spark-sql, as well as in PySpark and Scala. I know how to work with the orchestrator Airflow and write DAG's in python.

Big Data
I can work with products in Big Data:

  • Apache Spark
  • Scala
  • PySpark
  • Hive
  • Hadoop
  • Airflow
  • DockerHub
  • github
  • Python
  • Dags
  • BashOperator
Data Bases
Development of stored procedures, database design:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MS SQL Server (T-SQL)
  • Oracle (pl/SQL)
  • MySQL
  • ClickHouse (yandex DigData)
  • Liquibase
Administration and configuration of services: Oracle VM VirtualBox + Linux + NGINX + MS SQL Server (or MySQL or PostgreSQL) for Linux or Windows)