Welcome! My name is Balin Andrey, I am a full stack developer.
I am developing etl-processes for data processing in banking using BigData technologies (Apache Spark, Hadoop, Hive). I am writing Python-code for processing large volumes of structured information (logs, primary and secondary documents) and after processing them in a database (Hive, PostrgeSQL). I can also work as a data engineer working with SQL queries, forming a data backend.
What am I doing
We compose our Archetype for Java or Scala applications
Working with the ClickHouse as data source. Get gigabytes of data at high speed
We quickly wake up Nginx, MySql, PHP on a local machine using Docker
Personal finance and home accounting service
Service for accounting cooked food. Just add the dishes that you already ate, and the service will show how long ago you cooked them.
Cloud service based on NextCloud