Welcome! My name is Balin Andrey, I am a full stack developer.

I am developing etl-processes for data processing in banking using BigData technologies (Apache Spark, Hadoop, Hive). I am writing Python-code for processing large volumes of structured information (logs, primary and secondary documents) and after processing them in a database (Hive, PostrgeSQL). I can also work as a data engineer working with SQL queries, forming a data backend.

What am I doing


Apache Maven

We compose our Archetype for Java or Scala applications



Working with the ClickHouse as data source. Get gigabytes of data at high speed


Easy start on web-development

We quickly wake up Nginx, MySql, PHP on a local machine using Docker


Mybuh.com - more than

Personal finance and home accounting service


Myfood - what did i eat?

Service for accounting cooked food. Just add the dishes that you already ate, and the service will show how long ago you cooked them.


Cloud - for family

Cloud service based on NextCloud